When you first download Supertone Clear, it will be in Trial Mode. In Trial Mode, Clear outputs noise every 60 seconds. You will also see a "TRIAL" badge in the top bar of the plug-in window when in Trial Mode (like below).
In order to activate Supertone Clear, you will first need to purchase a valid license from https://product.supertone.ai/clear. Once purchased, you will receive a license key via email.
Activating in Plug-in
First, go to the menu by clicking on the menu icon in the top-right corner of the plug-in window. Within the menu, go to the "Activation" tab.
Click on "Enter License Key" and proceed to copy-and-paste your license key from the email you received after purchasing. With a valid key, your plug-in will be activated on your device, and you will be set to use Clear!
If you are having issues activating, please visit the following article: https://support.supertone.ai/hc/en-us/sections/8588340707471-License-Activation
Alternatively, you may also activate Clear in the browser.
Activating in Browser (using License File)
This option is available in Clear version 1.0.3 and onwards.
In the activation tab, click on "Activate in Browser" to start your activation in the browser.
Click on "Go to Activation Page" to visit your unique activation page in the browser.
Please note that this link is unique to your device and you may activate only the device you are using. Please do not share this link with others.
In the browser page, follow the instructions to download your license file.
Once you have your license file, hit "Continue" in the plug-in window. In the next step, click "Load License File" and load the license file you downloaded from the browser activation page. The license file name should end with a .clearlicense extension.
With a valid license file, your plug-in will be activated on your device, and you will be set to use Clear!